Hungry Bums
The reason why Hungrybums came up was my daughter ‘Vanya’ because I did not want to feed her with anything that was not right for my tiny angel. Coming from a chemical based background I exactly knew what kind of chemicals go inside the packaged products we get in the market. I was so sure of not buying anything that was packed with a good dose of chemicals and preservatives because I always knew its the worse thing I can feed my child with.
So, I started making everything at home from the basic cereals to biscuits to crackers. Whenever I saw my child needs a change of taste I tried and tested everything possible and it always worked. No, I am not a great cook, neither do I have a bunch of recipes with me. But, what I had was very precious, my Mom with her knowledge. Yes, I did learn a lot of things from a lot of people in terms of recipes and nutrition.
I was shocked on the way people took my approach, it was like I am doing something unique. And then I realised yes, it was unique. A lot of innocent new mothers have no guidance as to how they can lead their kids, they are completely unaware of the fact that grains like ragi/oats etc also exist and are healthy. If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain and cuffs.
This is when the idea of Hungrybums sprouted. It was 20th July 2018 when the brand made its first sale, right on the date when Vanya turned one. She is the reason behind this healthy approach.